Protocol for Arthritis X-rays

Dr. Likover is happy to review your xrays for a possible Oxford or Signature procedure.

To evaluate you cases for a possible Oxford or Signature procedure, two xrays are required, one additional view is helpful. Most important is a standing, weight bearing AP (front) view of the knee with the knee bent 20 degrees. Most orthopedists and hospitals can shoot an x-ray in this position, most family practitioners cannot. A lateral view lying on the x-ray table is necessary, and a Merchant view of the patella (kneecap) is helpful but not required. Most orthopedists have a Merchant frame, which is required to shoot this view, most hospitals do not.

You need to find out if the x-ray facility is shooting traditional x-rays or the new digital ones for purposes of sending your films to Houston for evaluation.

Traditional X-rays:

Mail: I recommend you have copies made of your films and send them to me via mail or Federal Express, DHL, or UPS. Usually, the facility where you had them taken can make copies at a minimal charge. Please send your e-mail address with the x-rays.

E-Mail: Alternatively, you are welcome to put your x-rays up on an x-ray view box at a doctor's office or hospital and take a digital picture of them with your digital camera. Usually MACRO setting is best. If you choose to e-mail photos of your xrays, contact Dr. Likover with the Message Box to the right and provide your email address. Dr. Likover will then give you his e-mail for sending xrays. This way you don't have to pay for copies and for postage. When you come to Houston, I will need to take a new set of x-rays to precisely measure your knee for the proper size of Oxford.

Digital X-rays:

If the facility has taken digital x-rays of your knee, you need to have them make a CD copy of your x-rays at minimal charge. Do not try to download the CD x-ray file on your computer and e-mail it to me; this will not work, as each digital x-ray system is different and I require the additional software that comes on the CD to be able to open the x-ray file of a given system. You need to mail the CD to:

Larry Likover M.D.
902 Frostwood Suite 269
Houston, Texas 77024
Please send your e-mail address with your C.D.